LIMITLESS 2025 from Shane Cradock


Stretch Your Inner Perspective for Breakthrough Results
In Your Work And Life

Rewire Your Mind for Success
And Create Your Best Year Yet

Are Your Planning For Success,
Or Just Planning?

What if the secret to success in 2025 was already within you—waiting to be unlocked?

Instead of relying on traditional, intellectual strategies that often fall short, you'll learn how to program your mind for effortless success and clarity. Join me for a fresh approach to setting yourself up for a winning year
—where flow replaces force, and mindset beats planning. 

What if it wasn’t about doing more, planning harder, or pushing yourself to the limit?

In this 3-part live online workshop series, I will guide you through a transformational process that rewrites the rules of planning.

"The effects of working with Shane have been truly remarkable, influencing both my professional and personal spheres in profound ways. The insights shared in The Inner CEO are more than enlightening; they hold the power to ignite a transformative journey for anyone interested in their own development."

Steven McKenna,
CEO, Sherry Fitzgerald 

What You'll Learn

During these interactive, high-impact sessions, you'll discover:

  • The Art Of The Impossible:  How thinking extra BIG for your overall life, transforms your focus and impact.
  • Beyond Analytical Planning: Why traditional methods often fail, and what to do instead. 
  • The Power of Inner Programming: How to rewire your mind for clarity, focus, and effortless success. 
  • The Science of Flow: 
    How to tap into your brain’s natural flow state to achieve more by doing less. 
  • Effortless Execution: 
    Implement powerful mental strategies that turn action into an effortless flow, without the stress.

"Navigating leadership and life is never a straight line, and Shane’s approach on both the inner and outer games has been an incredible support in my own journey over the last 10 years."

John Riordan
Chairman of Grow Remote
Former Chairman of Shopify International

Why This Approach Works

  •  Most people plan their year by relying solely on logic, analysis, and external tools. But there’s a deeper truth: success isn’t just about tactics—it’s really about mindset.  Not growth mindset. Something better. A limitless one.
  • Over 25 years, this is what I have seen first hand with my clients who have achieved exceptional results.  
  • When you re-wire your mind for limitless success, everything flows more naturally. You experience less stress, achieve more clarity, and take actions that feel aligned with your deeper purpose. 
  • This workshop will help you break free from rigid, outdated planning methods and embrace a more intuitive, effective approach—one that gets you ready for a breakthrough 2025. 

Get meaningful clarity in just a few hours.

Who is Limitless For?

This online live and interactive workshop series is ideal for: 

  • Business owner/entrepreneur keen on achieving your ‘impossible’ goals.
  • Leaders, entrepreneurs, and high achievers who want to set 2025 up as their most successful year yet. 
  • Those feeling stuck in their current planning routines and looking for a fresh, innovative way to gain momentum. 
  • Anyone who wants to achieve more without burning out—using the power of mental programming to create sustainable, effortless success. 


€497 +VAT

€611.31 incl. 23% VAT

  • 3 live video workshops
  • All sessions recorded and held in private online area
  • Direct access for your questions
  • Lifetime access to content
  • Powerful insights and questions

                         3 Special Bonuses 

                            If you register before 31st October. 

Bonus 1

Complimentary Access to 
"BluePrint Entrepreneur"

This comprehensive planning tool is designed for business owners and leaders.

It will guide you in creating a clear 3-year vision and a 12-month plan, ensuring you have a concrete roadmap for success.

Value: €497

Bonus 2

Complimentary Access to Shane's Limitless New Year Webinar

Kick off 2025 with my New Year Webinar, an actionable session designed to set the tone for an extraordinary year ahead.

This bonus is normally priced at €47, but when you sign up for the Zoom series, you get free access.

Value: €47

Bonus 3

Complimentary Access to a Unique 'Inner CEO' re-wiring audio

This audio has been specially created by Shane to boost the insights shared as part of the Limitless Series.

Use this audio at any point in 2025 to quickly access your Limitless mindset and reset your approach to planning ahead.

Value: €95

Total Value = €1,136
for just €497

What You Can Expect

Each session is designed to be practical and actionable:

Session 1: Expanding Your Possibilities
Session 2: Your Inner Blueprint for Effortless Success Session 3: Turning Intentions into Flow for 2025

 The dates for the zoom sessions are:

•Session 1 - Tuesday 26th November, 4-5pm GMT
•Session 2 - Tuesday 3rd December, 3.30-5pm GMT
•Session 3 - Tuesday 10th December, 3.30pm-5pm GMT

All sessions are interactive and will include Q&A.  The entire series will be recorded and made available to you through my online academy area. 


I Understand You Want Tangible Results

Everything I do is based on results and what works. I am used to working with leaders who want progress and momentum.  

Several of my clients have been finalists in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year Award, winners in The Deloitte Fast 50 and leaders of some of the best organisations in Ireland and internationally. Some clients have sold their business, others have scaled to new heights and achieved what others would have said was impossible.  

It is my belief that great leadership and real meaningful success are hugely dependent on the inner side, yet most leaders don’t understand how to manage their own minds.

This isn’t just about a new way to plan—this is about a new way to live and succeed.  Join me, and let's make 2025 your most effortless, impactful year yet. 

Ready to Unlock Your Best Year Yet?

Take the first step toward effortless success in 2025.
Reserve your spot now for
"Limitless 2025".

Enjoy a year of enhanced clarity, ease, and results in your work and life...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

No. Limitless is something new that I am doing for the first time. It's complimentary to everything else I do but it's different. In this series, we will be going deeper into expanding your sense of what's possible. 

No - again it's complimentary to it. BluePrint Entrepreneur is a very comprehensive series with a very detailed workbook that helps you review the last 12 months, identify trends in your industry, clarify a 3 year vision and then work backwards to help you create a 12 month plan.  Limitless something different. It will help you go beyond 3 years and shake up your inner world in terms of limiting beliefs and will challenge you to think much bigger for your work and life.  Afterwards, if you use BluePrint Entrepreneur to create a plan, it will be super clear and more powerful. 

Come on board and go through it with me and the group BEFORE you complete your plan for the year using BluePrint Entrepreneur. It will add extra 'fire' to what you will decide to do and not do in the year ahead! Plus if you have BPE already, let me know and I'll arrange for a separate bonus gift.

To get the best from the time, I'd advise you to attend the session live. But if you can't, everything will be recorded (excluding any breakouts) and you can watch it at a time that suits you.